A Day in the Life: Meet Musicnotes’ Customer Support Specialists

Have you ever wondered who’s answering your questions via email, live chat or over the phone? We asked our Customer Support Director Anna Fischer to share a behind-the-scenes look into the inner workings of Musicnotes Customer Support (we refer to our Specialists as ‘Superstars’ here at the office).

A Day in the Life:  Meet Musicnotes’ Customer Support Specialists

Have you ever wondered who’s answering your questions via email, live chat or over the phone? We asked our Customer Support Director Anna Fischer to share a behind-the-scenes look into the inner workings of Musicnotes Customer Support (we refer to our Specialists as ‘Superstars’ here at the office). Anna graciously agreed to take time out of her oh-so-busy holiday-season schedule and give us a look into a day in the life of your very own Musicnotes Superstars.

As we head into the holiday (read: busy) season, we want to take the time to share a little more about the talented team of people who field your calls, emails and chat requests every day. Our frontline staff are the only people you may ever talk to (personally) from Musicnotes, but besides helping you print, just what is it that makes a Musicnotes Customer Support Specialist?

Why “Support Specialists?” You have probably heard most similar positions called Customer Service agents/representatives, and while it might sound like we are tooting our own horns a little, we are much more than that.   Supporting and providing service to our customers is (clearly) the biggest part of our job, but we have a very specific-to-this-job set of skills and knowledge you may not realize.

The hardest, and greatest, part of our job is that there is no such thing as an “average” Musicnotes customer. This can be challenging, because we not only have to address customers’ questions and concerns, but do so in a way that is personalized to them.  Since music isn’t a “standard” product, we take great pride and care in knowing our responses and customer base aren’t standard either. While we do rely on “standard” answer suggestions and a Knowledge Base of possible information, no one ticket is ever exactly the same. After all, we have close to 5 million customers, worldwide.

Our Customer Support area (decorated for CS appreciation week).
Our Customer Support area (decorated for CS appreciation week).

We call ourselves specialists because we aren’t just agents. We know music theory, cross-platform technologies, how different browsers and operating systems work with our printing process, copyright laws, what your coupon code is, where to find your purchase history, how many arrangements of ‘Let it Go’ we have available on site (if you are keeping score at home, it’s 60 and counting), and what key you need it in if you play the flute (C Major). We can suggest an arrangement that is appropriate for the beginner you are buying for, or how to filter your search if you are a more advanced musician. All of this is pretty standard practice for us, but we know a lot of things, and are constantly learning more!

So next time you have a question, concern, problem, or compliment, know we are here to help and will do our best to give you the answers you need, the knowledge we have, and a great experience! (We promise, we are real people and not robots!) Please feel free to share your Customer Support Specialist stories in the comments below so we can share them with our staff. And, as always, thank you for contacting us, and for using Musicnotes.com!

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Have you ever had to use Musicnotes Customer Support? Are there any questions that you’d like to see addressed by our Superstars in a blog post? We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts in the comments section below.