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Strum, Voice and 2 Guitars TAB Sheet Music

Emo Style

Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music History
by Ryan Richards, Darran Smith, Gareth Davies,
Kris Coombes-Roberts and Matthew Davies
performed by Funeral for a Friend
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Roses for the Dead
by Ryan Richards, Darran Smith, Gareth Davies,
Kris Coombes-Roberts and Matthew Davies
performed by Funeral for a Friend
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Teenagers
by Michael Way, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro and Bob Bryar
performed by My Chemical Romance
Guitar Guru Session Teenagers
by Michael Way, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, Frank Iero and Gerard Way
performed by My Chemical Romance

Last updated: Thursday, May 19, 2016