Cole Lam Sheet Music

Cole Lam Sheet Music

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Cole is a 13-year-old pianist and composer who has studied through normal piano lessons on classical pieces. In 2017, Cole joined Andrew Lloyd Webber’s "School of Rock" musical, starring on stage as Lawrence (the keyboard player) in London’s West End. He performed in front of royalty, on TV, and in open stage festivals. This experience opened his eyes and ears to modern contemporary music. Since then, in addition to continuing his classical piano studies at Diploma level, Cole also creates his own arrangements of rock and pop classics. These arrangements merge instrumentals and vocals into one piano cover. Cole also composes his own music, both classical and contemporary. His YouTube and Facebook videos of him performing his piano cover arrangements to the unsuspecting passersby on public pianos at train stations, shopping malls, and department stores have brought him over 100 million views and over 400K subscribers in two years. Cole was also selected by YouTube as “Creator On The Rise” for his rising channel. After many “where did you get your music sheets from?” requests for his piano covers, Cole is pleased to offer his arrangements on Musicnotes.

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Remember to visit Cole Lam on YouTube.

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