Good Guitarist Sheet Music

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I first picked up a guitar at age 17. I was at a friend’s house. He showed me how to play the riff from “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” and I was immediately hooked. Several thousand hours of practice, performance and one music degree later, I found myself wondering “what next?”

I taught at music schools for a while, but teaching “out of the book” wasn’t for me. I was determined to make my home practice work. That’s when I had the idea to make a YouTube channel to help promote my lessons.

It was challenging at first – I was writing, filming and editing everything by myself (still do!). It took a (long) couple of weeks to film and edit my first tutorial. But it was all worth it because after it went up, I could tell there was something special happening.

Guitar students began writing to me from all over the world. On top of that, my home teaching studio was thriving. The more I taught, online and in person, the more I learned about teaching all types of learners. This helped me create the easiest-to-follow lessons on the web and has fueled my desire to make my channel bigger and better. It continues to grow today, faster than ever, with millions of views and counting.

I teach guitar because I love seeing that moment where something suddenly “clicks” in my students’ heads and they suddenly “get it.” I design all my materials to do exactly that – helping you get to the heart of what it means to learn and play guitar.

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