Karen Kornienko Sheet Music

Karen Kornienko Sheet Music

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Karen Kornienko graduated from the Moscow Conservatoire (professors E. Malinin and V. Gornostaeva). He is a prizewinner at the I and II International Scriabin piano competitions in Nizhny Novgorod (1995) and Moscow (2000), and won the Grand Prix and 4 special prizes at the II International Rachmaninov competition (Moscow, 1997). The pianist has performed at many music festivals, his recitals were broadcasted on the radio and through famous TV companies (BBC, The Radio of Russia, The Radio "Orpheus" TV channel "Culture" , "Mezzo" etc.) Karen Kornienko works mostly in the sphere of piano transcriptions, and gives solo programmes of his own arrangements based on Tchaikovsky's, Liadov's, Rachmaninov's, Ghlinka's, Bizet's music as a regular part of his repertoire.

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