1670s Sheet Music

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Products in  All Sheet Music > 1670s Results 1 - 30 of 69

Most Popular Sheet Music

Che fiero costume

Giovanni Legrenzi

F Minor

Piano, Voice: C4-F5

Piano/Vocal, Singer Pro

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

Louis Bourgeois

D Major


Piano Solo

Beautiful Savior

German Hymn

F Major

Piano/4 Hands

Instrumental Duet

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

Louis Bourgeois

G Major

Piano, Voice, 4-Part Choir


Rondo in D Minor (from Abdelazer)


D Minor


Easy Piano

Scarborough Fair - Violin I Part


A Minor

Violin 1: E4-G6

Violin Part

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Old Hundredth)

Pamela Schultz

C Major

Piano, Voice

5 Finger Piano

Fairest Lord Jesus

German Hymn

F Major


Piano Solo

Fairest Lord Jesus - Score (Clarinet Quartet)

German Hymn

Eb Major

Clarinet 1: E5-F6, Clarinet 2: C5-G5, Clarinet 3: G4-Eb5, Clarinet 4: A3-G4

Instrumental Quartet

Rondeau [Main Theme]

Henry Purcell

D Minor

Clarinet: D4-Bb5

Clarinet Solo

Fairest Lord Jesus - Score (String Quartet)

German Hymn

Eb Major

Cello: G2-F3, Viola: F4-Db5, Violin 1: D5-Eb6, Violin 2: Bb4-F5


Fairest Lord Jesus - Score (Brass Quartet)

German Hymn

Eb Major

Trombone: F3-Db4, Trumpet 1: E4-F5, Trumpet 2: C4-G4, Tuba: G2-F3


Fairest Lord Jesus - Flute 3 (Flute Quartet)

German Hymn

Eb Major

Flute 3: F4-Db5

Flute Part

Laissez durer la nuit

Sébastien Le Camus

C Major

Voice: D4-E5, Basso continuo: D2-A3

Solo & Accompaniment

Quand l'amour veut finir

Sébastien Le Camus

G Major

Voice: D4-E5, Basso continuo: G2-B3

Solo & Accompaniment

Vous serez les temoins de mes vives douleurs

Sébastien Le Camus

C Major

Voice: E4-G5, Basso continuo: C2-D4

Solo & Accompaniment

Fairest Lord Jesus - Score (Saxophone Quartet)

German Hymn

Eb Major

Alto Saxophone 1: B4-C6, Alto Saxophone 2: G4-D5, Baritone Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone: G4-Eb5


Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

Bohemian Brethren

D Major

Piano, Voice, 4-Part Choir


On n'aime plus dans ces bocages

Sébastien Le Camus

F Major

Voice: C4-F5, Basso continuo: C2-D4

Solo & Accompaniment


Gaspar Sanz

F Major

Guitar: E3-B5

Guitar Tab

Scarborough Fair - Cello Part


A Minor

Cello 1: D2-G3

Cello Part


Gaspar Sanz

D Major


Guitar Solo

Fairest Lord Jesus

German Hymn

F Major

Piano: E4-F5, Voice: E4-F5

Easy Piano

Scarborough Fair - Viola Part


A Minor

Viola: G3-A4

Viola Part

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

Louis Bourgeois

G Major

Piano, Voice

Easy Piano

Fairest Lord Jesus - Flute 1 (Flute Quartet)

German Hymn

Eb Major

Flute 1: D5-Eb6

Flute Part

Fairest Lord Jesus - Cello (String Quartet)

German Hymn

Eb Major

Cello: G2-F3

Cello Part

Rondeau [Main Theme]

Henry Purcell

D Minor

Flute: D4-Bb5

Flute Solo


Nurnberg Gesang-Buch

F Major


Organ Solo

Scarborough Fair - Violin II Part


A Minor

Violin 2: B3-C6

Violin Part
