Trumpet Sheet Music

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Trumpet Concerto: I. Allegro Con Spirito - Piano Accompaniment Johann Nepomuk Hummel C Trumpet Part and Piano Accompaniment
Variations of "The Lord of the Dance" Lord of the Dance Riverdance Solo & Accompaniment
Collection: Concerto for Trumpet - I. Allegro - C Trumpet & Piano Franz Joseph Haydn Instrumental Parts
Collection: Concerto for Trumpet - II. Andante - C Trumpet & Piano Franz Joseph Haydn Instrumental Parts
Collection: Concerto for Trumpet - III. Allegro - C Trumpet & Piano Franz Joseph Haydn Instrumental Parts
Collection: Trumpet Concerto in E Major I. Allegro Con Spirito - C Trumpet & Piano Johann Nepomuk Hummel Instrumental Parts
Collection: Trumpet Concerto in E Major: II. Andante - C Trumpet & Piano Johann Nepomuk Hummel Instrumental Parts
Collection: Let the Trumpets Sound! from Cantata No. 207a - C Trumpet & Piano Johann Sebastian Bach Instrumental Parts
Collection: Trumpet Concerto in E Major: III. Rondo - C Trumpet & Piano Johann Nepomuk Hummel Instrumental Parts
Sound an Alarm! - C Trumpet & Piano Brooks Holmes Instrumental Parts