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Gabriello Chiabrera Sheet Music

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View sorted by Instruments and Voices

Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Aria Nona: Belle rose porporine
for Voice and Basso
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Aria Terza: Ard'Il mio petto misero
for Basso and Voice
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Aria Ultima: Chi mi confort'ahimè
for Basso and Voice
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Hor che lungi da voi
for Basso and Voice
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Ineffabile ardore
for Voice
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Se ridete gioiose
for Voice and Basso
Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music Vaga su spin'ascosa
for Basso and Voice

Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023