Baroque Sheet Music

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Products in  SATB Choir + Piano > Classical > Baroque Results 1 - 30 of 32

Newest Sheet Music

Title Artist or Show Scoring Type
Sicilienne and Gigue - Tenor Saxophone & Piano George Frederick Handel Solo & Accompaniment
Heroic Suite - French Horn & Piano Georg Philipp Telemann Solo & Accompaniment
Lament (Lascia Ch'Io Pianga) - French Horn & Piano George Frederick Handel Solo & Accompaniment
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - French Horn & Piano Johann Sebastian Bach Solo & Accompaniment
How Pleasant 'Tis to Love - French Horn & Piano Henry Purcell Instrumental Parts
Gavotte and Bourrée - Tenor Saxophone & Piano Johann Sebastian Bach Instrumental Parts
Sonata in G - Oboe & Piano Giovanni Battista Sammartini Instrumental Parts
Fairest Isle - Trumpet & Piano Henry Purcell Solo & Accompaniment

Most Popular Sheet Music

Title Artist or Show Scoring Type
O Sacred Head, Surrounded Hans Leo Hassler SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 24: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Ave Maria Giulio Caccini SATB Choir + Piano
Gloria in Excelsis Antonio Vivaldi SATB Choir + Piano
Hallelujah Chorus George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 7: And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Mass in B Minor: II. Credo: 5. Crucifixus Johann Sebastian Bach SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 17: Glory To God George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 22: Behold the Lamb of God George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 33: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Komm Susser Tod BWV 478 Wedlund Music SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 4: And the Glory of the Lord George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 9: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Hans Leo Hassler SATB Choir + Piano
Mass in B Minor: IV. Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei and Dona nobis pacem: 5. Dona nobis pacem Johann Sebastian Bach SATB Choir + Piano
Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme Johann Sebastian Bach SATB Choir + Piano
Mass in B Minor: I. Kyrie and Gloria: 7. Gratias Johann Sebastian Bach SATB Choir + Piano
Mass in B Minor: I. Kyrie and Gloria: 13. Patrem Johann Sebastian Bach SATB Choir + Piano
Mass in B Minor: I. Kyrie and Gloria: 9. Qui tollis Johann Sebastian Bach SATB Choir + Piano
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: No. 60. Sing unto God George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
He Saw the Lovely Youth George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Happy We! Ryan Kelly SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 35: Let All the Angels of God Worship Him George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Mass in B Minor: I. Kyrie and Gloria: 3. Kyrie eleison (2nd) Johann Sebastian Bach SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 26: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 28: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 21: His Yoke Is Easy, and His Burthen Is Light George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 37: The Lord Gave the Word George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 25: And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano
Messiah, No. 39: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands George Frederick Handel SATB Choir + Piano